Grey hair, now what? How to accept the inevitable, enhance your look or camouflage greys.


Everything you need to know about the most important discussion in haircare, because sooner or later grey hair concerns everyone.

Sooner or later the moment arrives for everyone when, while combing in front of the mirror, you notice something that certainly wasn’t there until yesterday: the first grey hair that sprouts between your locks, perhaps right near the parting or the hairline. What to do? First, don’t make a fuss of it! A few greys aren’t the end of the world, there are several ways to deal with the situation and continue to show off your hair without worries.

Grey hair: causes, remedies and false myths

There is a lot of talk about grey hair and there is no lack of false myths, starting with the belief that plucking one will bring out another 7 (not true, but plucking a hair that is still alive is still not a good idea). Why does hair turn grey or white? The causes are mainly genetic and hormonal, but stress and environmental factors can also affect hair – which is why it is not uncommon today to have greys at the age of 20. Pollution, in particular, stimulates the production of free radicals that damage the production of melanin, the natural pigment that determines hair colour, accelerating aging. Similarly – even if no precise explanation has yet been found as to why it occurs – when you are under stress, factors are triggered that inhibit the pigmentation of the hair, causing it to turn grey. It has a foundation of truth that is linked by the popular belief that moments of grief or fear can make hair grey, even if of course this is very subjective.

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Need a remedy for grey hair?  The truth is that grey hair is an irreversible process and cannot be stopped, but there are some good habits to adopt to take care of your hair when it starts to turn grey. One thing to know is that grey hair must be hydrated much more than other hair types, so don’t forget to nourish it with masks, conditioners and specific products that contain proteins. It is also useful to feed the hair from within with a varied and balanced diet; among the foods richest in beneficial properties for the hair there are, in addition to seasonal fruit and vegetables, also millet, legumes and dried fruit.

How to cover grey hair

Covering is certainly not the first and only thing to do when the first white or grey hair appears, although it is most likely among the first that we tend to think about. It all depends on how evident these are and how much you don’t like it: today, silver in your hair no longer has the negative meaning it used to have, and many choose to wear it naturally and with self-confidence.

If you want to keep your natural colour, deal with serenity of having some greys and choose a short or medium-short haircut to be adjusted often by the hairdresser, so as to avoid the effect of sloppy hair. Yes to very short cuts, or to bobs with a fringe, or bobs with parting on the side.ARTICOLO 1120x960px9

A soft solution, especially suitable for those with light hair, is to rely on your hairdresser and opt for shaded colours enlivened by highlights and lightening techniques, which will blend greys more easily. Alternatively, try ammonia-free dyes.

Finally, the ultimate solution to cover a high percentage of grey hair is to dye it, always relying on the hairdresser to be sure of a perfect result without surprises.